

Innovation in glass and fibre development for novel sensing and light source applications


 Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem received the Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the University of Jena, Germany, in 1994. She subsequently held two prestigious fellowships and received the Weyl International Glass Science Award in 2001. During 2001-2004 she was with the Optoelectronics Research Centre at the University of Southampton, UK. Since 2005, she has been with the University of Adelaide, Australia. Currently, she leads the Fibres and Photonics Materials Research Group and is the Deputy Director of the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing. Her research focuses on the development of novel optical glasses, fibres, surface functionalization and sensing approaches.


 Optical glasses have demonstrated growing interest and applications for supercontinuum generation, mid-IR lasing and sensing applications due to the large variety of properties and structures that can be achieved with glass. Depending on the chemical composition, glasses exhibit a wide range of optical properties such as linear refractive indices of 1.4-2.8, nonlinear refractive indices spanning three order of magnitude over of 1017-1020 m2/W and transmission windows that are situated within 200nm – 20µm. Recently, incorporation of nanocrystals such as nanodiamond has gained significant attention as a pathway to add functionality to glass. This talk will review the recent progress achieved in the development of glasses with advanced properties such as significantly reduced transmission loss of tellurite and germanate glass in the mid-infrared, extended mid-infrared transmission range for fluoride glass, magnetic sensitivity in diamond-tellurite glass and optically stimulated luminescence in fluoride-phosphate glass. In addition, the talk will review progress in fabrication of novel fibre structures from silica and heavy metal oxide glasses as well as their applications for sensing and novel light sources.

主  持 人:秦冠仕 教授

报告时间:2018年08月30日 10:00





上一条:Multifunctional materials based on cyano-bridged metal complexes and metal oxides 下一条:有机光电功能材料和器件交叉学科研究的一些进展


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