

Importance and Challenges to understand water interfaces

报告题目:Importance and Challenges to understand water interfaces

报 告 人 :Prof. Yuen-Ron Shen

     University of California, Berkeley

主 持 人 :孙洪波 教授






 Abstract: This talk is to call attention to the importance of water science that is currently being considered a thrust research program in China. While water is the most abundant liquid on earth and the origin of life, its structures and properties are still far from being understood. Understanding the basic properties of water and learning how to use them would help solve the two crises currently facing the world: lack of clean water and energy resources. Both rely critically on how water interfaces behave. Study of interfacial water structure and properties however is a big challenge. A small step forward in that direction is provided by laser spectroscopy, which we will briefly introduce in this talk.

 Prof. Yuen-Ron Shen received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University in 1963, and as a Postdoctoral Fellow from Harvard University in 1963-1964.And Professor Shen works in U. C. Berkeley from 1964-1967 as Assistant Professor; as Principal investigator, Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory since 1967, as Associate Professor from 1967-1970; as Professor from 1970-2006; since 2006 as Professor of the Graduate School.

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