

Latest research progress & developments at the Advanced Laser Lab (ALL) of Harbin Engineering Univ.

报告题目:Latest research progress & developments at the Advanced Laser Lab (ALL) of Harbin Engineering Univ.

报 告 人 : 教授



主 持 人 :秦冠仕 教授






  教授,2008年在爱尔兰都柏林理工学院光子学研究中心获光学工程专业博士学位。博士毕业后获得爱尔兰政府EMPOWER博士后奖学金。2009年获国家留学基金委“2008年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”。2010年8月获欧盟玛丽居里夫人学者奖学金(Marie Curie Fellowship)资助,加入到英国南安普敦大学光电子研究中心工作。2012年加入到英国南安普敦大学和SPI Lasers联合先进激光实验室。2013年1月,在爱尔兰都柏林理工学院光子学研究中心获高级研究员终身职位(Tenured)。2013年12月,获爱尔兰皇家学会优秀外派学者奖学金。海外工作期间,作为项目第一负责人(PI),承担科研项目合同总金额近80万欧元。2015年初入选中组部第十一批次青年项目(优先批次资助),同年9月全职回国工作,目前就职于哈尔滨工程大学理学院,特聘教授,博士生导师。


 The mid-infrared (mid-IR) 2-5 μm region is located in one of the two atmospheric transparent windows (the other is from 8 to 13 μm) where the Earth’s atmosphere is with relatively low transmission. Therefore it becomes an important area using remote laser sensing for the atmospheric monitoring, security and a range of industrial and military applications, such as early disease diagnosis, detecting remote explosives, countermeasures against heat-seeking missiles and covert communication systems. Glass is a non-crystalline amorphous solid, as an important material it has been well developed for a widespread range of optical devices due to its high transmission and excellent machinability. During the past few decades, most familiar, and historically the oldest glass is silicate glass, namely based on the chemical compound silica, such as silicon dioxide, or quartz glass, because of its low transmission loss in visible to near-infrared wavelength regions. However, silica glass has a reasonable high transmission loss in the mid-infrared range. Therefore a compound glass with high transparence in 2-5 μm is required to meet the demand of the host material of 2-5 μm mid-IR optical devices. The position of the IR absorption edge, i.e., the infrared longwave transmission limit, of an optical glass is intrinsically limited by the multiphonon absorption edge of the glass. So far, a range of compound glasses have been reported, such as germinate glass, fluoride glass, chalcogenide glass and so on. Compared with the traditional silica glass, compound glass is more suitable for optical gain matrix due to its lower melting temperature and higher solubility of rare-earth ions. Moreover, compound glass can be applied in mid-IR wavelength range because the phonon energies and multi-phonon relaxation rates in compound glass are much lower than that in silica glass. This talk will highlight some of the latest exciting progress in the field of compound glasses, microfibre/nanowire based photonic devices and integrated photonic devices developed at the ALL of the Harbin Engineering Univ. Examples of state-of-the-art compound glass based photonic components for novel mid-IR fibre laser applications will be presented also in this talk.

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