

Fusion of Regularized Femtosecond Filaments: towards the efficient energy deposition into air

报告题目 :Fusion of Regularized Femtosecond Filaments: towards the efficient energy deposition into air

报 告 人 :Prof. Olga Kosareva         

     Physics Faculty & International Laser Center Lomonosov Moscow State University

主 持 人 :徐淮良 教授

报告时间 :2016年6月29日 09:30

报告地点 :南区唐敖庆楼D区311报告厅

主办单位 :电子科学与工程学院



Abstract:The collision of several coherent 800 nm femtosecond filaments is induced experimentally and in the simulations by transmitting a beam through a mask with 4-6 circular apertures and subsequent focusing with a lens. We show a factor of 1.4 increase in the peak intensity and an order of magnitude increase in the plasma density in the case of 6 filament collision as compared with a single filament. Enhanced energy deposition into the medium attained in this regularized structure is important for rainmaking and acoustic waveguide formation.

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