

Defects in Renewable Energy Materials

报告题目 :Defects in Renewable Energy Materials

报 告 人 :Dr. Yiyang Sun (孙宜阳 博士)

     Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

主 持 人 :李贤斌 副教授

报告时间 :2016年7月8日 14:00

报告地点 :南区唐敖庆楼D区314报告厅

主办单位 :电子科学与工程学院



Abstract: A sustainable solution to the ever-increasing global demand of energy requires the development of new materials and optimization of existing materials, which need to meet several requirements, such as being environment-friendly and having a low cost. To satisfy these requirements, often the key is not to obtain perfect materials, but instead to harness defective materials. In this talk, I will give an introduction on the method of studying defects in materials from first-principles calculations. I will exemplify the method by showing how it can be used in materials designed for renewable energy applications, including materials for photovoltaics (CH3NH3PbI3), solid-state lighting (GaN and ZnO), and Li-ion batteries.

Dr. Yiyang Sun graduated in Material Science Department of Jilin University in 1996. He then obtained his master degree in Xiamen University in 1999. In 2004, he got the Ph.D. degree in national university of Singapore (NUS). From 2004 to 2010, He worked as Postdoc in NUS, US National Renewable Energy Lab, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). From 2010, He works as Research Assistant Professor and Research Scientist in RPI. He mainly focuses on material physics and design of new materials by First-principles calculations. He has published 70 scientific papers including 19 High-IF papers (such as PRL, JACS, Nano Lett., Adv. Mater.) with totally 1200 citations. Recently, He firstly proposed chalcogenide perovskite materials for solar cell.

上一条:胶体量子点太阳能电池 下一条:Fusion of Regularized Femtosecond Filaments: towards the efficient energy deposition into air


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